Career Technical Education (CTE)

Dr. Leann Huang, Coordinator- College & Career Preparation
Elvira Robles, Senior Clerk Typist

Career Technical Education (CTE) integrates rigorous academics with career-based learning and real world workplace experiences.  Alhambra Unified School District provide students with industry relevant learning experiences through career-oriented pathways in the fields such as business, engineering, drafting, transportation, building & construction, information technology, graphic arts, manufacturing, digital photography, food & hospitality, fashion, child development, health care and more. 
CTE Logo

Alhambra Unified School District CTE Programs:
  • Offer high quality curriculum and instruction aligned to the California CTE Model Curriculum Standards
  • Prepare students with the academic and technical skills, knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners
  • Provide real world 21st century skills that make one career and college ready relevant to today's industry needs
  • Enable students to transition to post-secondary program/training, leading to a career pathway, and attain employment

Our College & Career Center Services at a Glance:  
  • CTE Courses (during the school day)
    • Career Technical Education courses can provide students what's needed to succeed for life: technical skills, academic skills, and employability skills.
  • Early College Program (College Credit Classes)
    • College credit courses are offered at various high schools taught by college instructors.  Students earn college credits that are transferable to UC and/or CSU.
  • Industry Professional Guest Speakers
    • Connect with top professionals in various career fields and learn what it takes to be successful.
  • College Readiness Information
    • Speak with Student Ambassadors from local colleges.
  • Workshops
    • Learn about financial aid, college applications, resume writing, interviewing skills, and more!
  • District-Wide Events
    • Don't miss out on the Annual College & Career Fairs.
  • Work Permits & Job Opportunities
  • Field Trip to College Campuses, Work-site Visits
  • Scholarship Opportunities 

To find out more, visit:
(626) 943-6990
(626) 943-6790
(626) 943-6890
CTE Advisor
Janice Liu 
CTE Advisor (Roving)
Jose Cervantes
Career Education Technician
Vanessa Topete
CTE Advisor
Elizabeth An
CTE Advisor (Roving)
Jose Cervantes
Career Education Technician
Liza Hernandez
CTE Advisor
Jennifer Ha
CTE Advisor (Roving)
Jose Cervantes
Career Education Technician
Monica Ochoa